This handler creates a record in the AST:CMDB Associations form based on the information input by the end user, and returns the Request ID of the record created. The handler is just half of the equation. It should be used in conjunction with bmcitsm8assoctoX_create where X is the type of record you are creating an association with, ex. change, incident, contract.
Name | Description |
Consolidated Status | Consolidated Status (status of Form Name01 record, Ex Executed for Contract, Scheduled for Change, etc) |
Form Name01 | Form Name01 (Ex: CTR:MasterContract, HPD:Help Desk, CHG:Infrastructure Change) |
Form Name02 | Form Name02 (Ex: AST:ComputerSystem) |
Form Name01 ID | INC ID, Change ID, The contract's instance ID, etc |
Asset Reconciliation ID | The asset's reconciliation identity |
Form Name01 Desciption | INC ID: Summary, Change ID: Summary, Contract Name, etc |
Association Type | Association type |
Request Type | Request Type (Ex. Contract, Infrastructure Change, Incident, etc) |
Lookup Keyword | Lookup Keyword relates (Class ID of the Asset - ex: MAINCHANGE, MAINHELPDESK, BMC_COMPUTERSYSTEM, not required on contract relationships) |
Parent Dataset ID | Parent DataSetID (most likely BMC.ASSET, not used on contract relationships) |
Name | Description |
Consolidated Status | Scheduled |
Form Name01 | CHG:Infrastructure Change |
Form Name02 | AST:ComputerSystem |
Form Name01 ID | CRQ000000012352 |
Asset Reconciliation ID | RE005054661F4Us1NYA8XgpDab |
Form Name01 Desciption | CRQ000000012352: Install Windows 7 Patches |
Association Type | Attached to |
Request Type | Infrastructure Change |
Lookup Keyword | MAINCHANGE |
Parent Dataset ID | BMC.ASSET |
Name | Description |
AST:CMDB Associations Entry ID | The Request ID of the AST:CMDB Associations record that was created. |
BMC ITSM8 Associations to Asset Create (2015)
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