
Security Overview

How we protect your data.

All data in kinops is written to one of two subsystems: filesystem or database. Both scenarios are designed so that we are writing to multiple disks before success is returned. These underlying disks are backed up multiple times daily and stored in different locations. Files that customers upload are using the same system. These are designed for replication, performance, and to avoid single points of failure.

Network traffic.

Data in transit between you and kinops is encrypted, and sent using HTTPS. Our products run on restricted networks which are locked down with firewalls.

Filesystem data at rest.

Attachments, configuration files, etc... are encrypted at rest. Backups of your data are also encrypted.

Database data at rest.

Active database data: submissions, work orders, comments, etc... are encrypted at rest. Backups of your data are also encrypted.

Redundancy for all major systems.

We leverage technologies and service providers to bring redundancy to our system. Our systems are engineered to stay up even if multiple servers fail.

Sophisticated physical security.

Only authorized personnel have access to the data center.

Regularly-updated infrastructure.

Our infrastructure is updated regularly with known security patches. Security is a moving target, we work to keep up with the state-of-the-art in web and server security.

Billing information.

Credit card transactions are processed using industry trusted 3rd parties and are not handled by the kinops system.

Nearly 2 decades in business.

Security isn’t just about technology, it’s about trust. We have been in business nearly 20 years. Our customers are some of the largest companies or government organizations in the world. We routinely deliver the professionalism, quality of solution, and security practices you expect from a company who intends to stay in business for the next 2 decades. We’ll continue to work hard everyday to maintain that trust.

Have a concern? Need to report an incident?

Have you noticed abuse, misuse, an exploit, or experienced an incident with your account? Please submit your finding immediately in the support portal.

Changes & questions

Kinetic Data may update this policy — we’ll notify you about significant changes by emailing the account owner or by placing a prominent notice on our site.

Questions about this policy? Please get in touch and we’ll be happy to answer them! Contact our support team at