Remedy User add Group Version 1

The User form in Remedy is used to track all Users and their permissions. This handler allows you to update the fields listed above with new values, blank values (represented by the keyword 'nil') or to leave the values alone (no answer passed as a parameter). Radio button options are validated in the handler before being applied. It is intended that the service item will limit the choices poosible. If an invalid choice is passed, an exception is raised.


Name Description
Login Name: The lookup value that identifies which User record should be updated.
Group Name: The group to add.

Sample Configuration

Name Description
Login Name:
Group Name:


This handler does not return any results.


BMCRemedyUserUpdateV1 (2010-01-26)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

Related Handlers

ARS9 Generic Create
Create an entry in the form specified
ARS9 Generic Query Retrieve
Retrieves a single ARS v9.x entry related to the Remedy Form specified.
BMC Execute Process
Submits an Execute Process command to the server
BMC Remedy Email HTML Message Create
Creates an email message on the AR System Email Messages form
BMC Remedy Email Message Create
Creates an email message on the AR System Email Messages form
BMC Remedy User Update
Updates an entry in the User form based on the Remedy Login ID
Remedy Generic Create
Creates a single Remedy entry given the JSON mapping of field values and form name.
Remedy Generic Dataload
Populates Records from a CSV data file
Remedy Generic Delete
Deletes a single Remedy entry related to the form entered with the Request ID specified.
Remedy Generic Find
Retrieves request IDs (field 1) and Instance IDs (field 179) for Remedy entries for the form entered using the query specified.
Remedy Generic Retrieve
Retrieves a single Remedy entry related to the form entered with the Request ID specified.
Remedy Generic Update
Updates a single Remedy entry related to the form entered with the Request ID specified. Updates field specified to value specified.
Remedy Group list Users
Lists users for given Group. Throws exception if Group does not exist.
Remedy User Create
Creates a User in the User form - Login Name must be unique.
Remedy User list Groups
Lists groups for given User. Throws exception if User does not exist.
Remedy User Remove Group
Rmoves a group from an existing user. Throws exception if User does not exist, also if group does not exist.

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