This handler takes a json as input of a format like {"DB field Name":"value to place in field"} and uses this to create a record in the specified form.
At times, you may need to set Currency Fields in Remedy. This is accomplished by formatting the value as follows: { ... "My Currency Field":{"value":100.0,"currency":"USD"}, ... }
The value portion must be parsed as a float. You can accomplish this as follows in the Field Values parameter: <%= { 'Text Field 1' => 'ABCD-EFG', 'Text Field 2' => '123456', 'Currency Field 1' => {'value' => @inputs["Currency Input"].to_f, 'currency' => 'USD' }, }.to_json %>
Name | Description |
Error Handling | Determine what to return if an error is encountered. |
Form Name | Form Name |
Field Values | JSON mapping of field values |
Name | Description |
Form Name | HPD:LoadTemplate |
Field Values | {"Template Identifier":"<%=@answers['Template Identifier']%>","Template Name":"<%=@answers['Template Name']%>","Status Template":"<%=@answers['Template Status']%>","Template Category Tier 1":"<%=@answers['Template Category Tier 1']%>","Description":"<%=@answers['Summary']%>","Detailed Decription":"<%=@answers['Notes']%>","Reported Source":"<%=@answers['Reported Source']%>","Service Type":"<%=@answers['Incident Type']%>","Status":"<%=@answers['Status']%>","Impact":"<%=@answers['Impact']%>","Urgency":"<%=@answers['Urgency']%>","Assigned Support Company":"<%=@answers['Assigned Support Company']%>","Assigned Support Organization":"<%=@answers['Assigned Support Organization']%>","Assigned Group":"<%=@answers['Authoring Group']%>","Authoring Company":"<%=@answers['Authoring Company']%>","Authoring Organization":"<%=@answers['Authoring Organization']%>","Authoring Group":"<%=@answers['Authoring Group']%>"} |
Error Handling |
Name | Description |
Handler Error Message | Error, if one is found |
Results | |
Record Location | Resulting record location (url) as returned by the ARS REST API. |
Record Id | |
Result | |
Record ID |
ARS9 Generic Create V1 (2018-07-06)
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