ServiceNow User Update Version 1

This handler allows you to update a new user on Service Now. It takes the input parameters and then passes them in a REST call to Service Now to update the user.


Name Description
User Id Username of the person
Active Select this if you would like the user to be active immediately
Business Phone Primary business phone number for the user
Date Format How dates will appear to the user
Department Id Id of the department
Email Email address of the user
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
Locked Out Select this if you would like the user to be locked out at first
Mobile Phone Mobile/Cell phone number of the user
Password password for the user if needed
Password Needs Reset Select if you would like to require the user to reset their password
Time Zone Timezone used by this user
Title Title of the user

Sample Configuration

Name Description
User Id john.doe
First Name John
Last Name Doe
Title Manager
Department Id 148128sd8f7871899sd98f
Password pass01
Password Needs Reset yes
Locked Out no
Active yes
Date Format yyyy-MM-dd
Time Zone US/Central
Business Phone 555-555-5555
Mobile Phone 666-666-6666


This handler does not return any results.


Servicenow User Update v1.1 (2017-09-21)

  • Moving from the Service Now JSON Web Service (no longer supported) to the REST API.

Servicenow User Update v1 (2013-07-29)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

Related Handlers

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ServiceNow Change Retrieve
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ServiceNow Change Update
This handler allows you to update a change request on Service Now.
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ServiceNow Group Retrieve
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ServiceNow Group Update
Updates an existing Service Now user group.
ServiceNow Incident Create
ServiceNow, create a new incident.
ServiceNow Incident Retrieve
This handler allows you to retrieve an incident from Service Now.
ServiceNow Incident Search
Search for a Service Now incident.
ServiceNow Incident Update
ServiceNow, update an incident.
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Generically creates an object from a ServiceNow table when given a table name and a JSON body
ServiceNow Object Delete
Generically deletes an object from a ServiceNow table when given a table name and an id
ServiceNow Object Retrieve
Generically retrieves an object from a ServiceNow table when given a table name and an id
ServiceNow Object Update
Generically updates an object in a ServiceNow table when given a table name, a id, and a JSON body containing the parts of the object that should be updated.
ServiceNow User Create
ServiceNow, create a new user.
ServiceNow User Retrieve
ServiceNow, retrieve a user id for system user.

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