ServiceNow Group Update Version 1

This handler allows you to update a uer group for service now. It uses the unique sysid to determine what group to update and then takes the input parameters and passes them in a REST call to Service Now to update the group. Any fields left empty will not be updated. An error will be thrown if the sysid does not correspond to a valid user group.


Name Description
Sys Id The sys_id of the user group you want to update.
Name The new name of the user group.
Group Email The new group email of the user group.
Manager The new manager id of the user group.
Parent The new parent id of the user group.
Description The new description of the user group.

Sample Configuration

Name Description
Sys Id vt53580t0s0s0s6501ss37u294s2ts6t
Name Sample Name
Group Email
Manager 9ww1t13vu6112271007x9v0wxvt69uv0
Parent 287ww6xws9xw198100svs7950v0t1t73
Description Sample Description


This handler does not return any results.


Servicenow Group Update V1.1 (2017-09-22)

  • Moving from the Service Now JSON Web Service (no longer supported) to the REST API.

Servicenow Group Update V1 (2013-07-29)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

Related Handlers

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ServiceNow Change Retrieve
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ServiceNow Change Update
This handler allows you to update a change request on Service Now.
ServiceNow Group Create
Creates a new Service Now user group.
ServiceNow Group Retrieve
Retrieves a Service Now user group
ServiceNow Incident Create
ServiceNow, create a new incident.
ServiceNow Incident Retrieve
This handler allows you to retrieve an incident from Service Now.
ServiceNow Incident Search
Search for a Service Now incident.
ServiceNow Incident Update
ServiceNow, update an incident.
ServiceNow Object Create
Generically creates an object from a ServiceNow table when given a table name and a JSON body
ServiceNow Object Delete
Generically deletes an object from a ServiceNow table when given a table name and an id
ServiceNow Object Retrieve
Generically retrieves an object from a ServiceNow table when given a table name and an id
ServiceNow Object Update
Generically updates an object in a ServiceNow table when given a table name, a id, and a JSON body containing the parts of the object that should be updated.
ServiceNow User Create
ServiceNow, create a new user.
ServiceNow User Retrieve
ServiceNow, retrieve a user id for system user.
ServiceNow User Update
ServiceNow, update an existing user.

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