Kinetic Sample Person Create Version 2

This handler creates a record in the KSSAMPLEPeople form based on the information input by the end user, and returns the Request ID of the record created. The handler looks up the the Supervisor's AR Login ID based on the Supervisor Name entered in. Overall, this is a very simple "pass through" type of handler.


Name Description
First Name The first name of the person record being created
Last Name The last name of the person record being created
Employee Number The employee number of the person record being created
Supervisor Name The supervisor's name of the person record being created
AR Login The AR login of the person record being created
Phone The phone number of the person record being created
Email Address The email address of the person record being created
Company The company of the person record being created
Region The region of the person record being created
Site The site of the person record being created
Department The department of the person record being created
Office The office of the person record being created
Address Line 1 The first address line of the person record being created
Address Line 2 The second address line of the person record being created
City The city of the person record being created
State/Prov The state or province of the person record being created
Postal Code The postal code of the person record being created
Country The country of the person record being created
Submitter The Submitter of the person request

Sample Configuration

Name Description
First Name <%=@answers['First Name']%>
Last Name <%=@answers['Last Name']%>
Employee Number <%=@answers['Employee No.']%>
Supervisor Name <%=@answers['Supervisor']%>
AR Login <%=@answers['Remedy User ID']%>
Phone <%=@answers['Work Phone']%>
Email Address <%=@answers['Email Address']%>
Company ACME Corp
Region <%=@answers['Region']%>
Site <%=@answers['Site']%>
Department <%=@answers['Department']%>
Office <%=@answers['Office Loc.']%>
City <%=@answers['City']%>
State/Prov <%=@answers['State or Province']%>
Postal Code <%=@answers['Postal Code']%>
Country <%=@answers['Country']%>
Address Line 1
Address Line 2


Name Description
Entry Id The Request ID of the KS_SAMPLE_People record that was created.


KineticSamplePeopleCreate_V2 (2014-03-07)

  • This handler is safe to use in a subtree because it does not rely on any @base

information to process. All data is passed into the handler as parameters.

KineticSamplePeopleCreate_V1 (2010-01-14)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

Related Handlers

Kinetic Sample Change Create
Creates an entry in the KS_SAMPLE_Change form based on information input by the end user.
Kinetic Sample Change Retrieve
Retrieves specific fields from a single entry in the KS_SAMPLE_Change form that is specified by the 'Entry Id' parameter, which is the Request ID of the record.
Kinetic Sample Incident Create
Creates an entry in the KS_SAMPLE_Incident form based on information input by the end user.
Kinetic Sample Incident Retrieve
Retrieves specific fields from a single entry in the KS_SAMPLE_Incident form that is specified by the 'Entry Id' parameter, which is the Request ID of the record.
Kinetic Sample People Retrieve
Retrieves specific fields from a single entry in the KS_SAMPLE_People form. The record is retrieved by using the Search By and Search Value parameters to build a qualification.

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