Kinetic Sample Change Create Version 2

The KSSAMPLEChange form is a sample Change Request form with a limited number of fields on it. This handler is designed to create a record in the KSSAMPLEform by merely passing though the values input by the user as well as setting some that are hard coded into the handler. The two date fields on KSSAMPLEChange require data in the ISO 8601 format so that must be supplied to the handler. The handler returns the Entry ID of the record that it creates.


Name Description
Change Name A name given to the change request
Description A description of what the change request is for
Risk The Risk assigned to the change request
Priority The Priority assigned to the change request
Impact The date/time that the change request is supposed to startThe Impact assigned to the change request
Start Date The date/time that the change request is supposed to start formatted in the ISO 8601 format
End Date The date/time that the change request is supposed to end formatted in the ISO 8601 format
Category The 'Category' element of the categorization of the change request
Type The 'Type' element of the categorization of the change request
Item The 'Item' element of the categorization of the change request
Submitter The Submitter of the change request

Sample Configuration

Name Description
Change Name <%=@answers['Change Name']%>
Description <%=@answers['Change Description']%>
Risk Minor
Priority Minor
Impact Low
Start Date <%=@answers['Start Date']%>
End Date <%=@answers['End Date']%>
Category Hardware
Type Server
Item Upgrade
Submitter <%=@answers['Req By']%>


Name Description
Entry Id The 'Request ID' of the change request that gets created.


KineticSampleChangeCreate_V3 (2014-03-07)

  • This handler is safe to use in a subtree because it does not rely on any @base

information to process. All data is passed into the handler as parameters.

KineticSampleChangeCreate_V1 (2010-01-14)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

Related Handlers

Kinetic Sample Change Retrieve
Retrieves specific fields from a single entry in the KS_SAMPLE_Change form that is specified by the 'Entry Id' parameter, which is the Request ID of the record.
Kinetic Sample Incident Create
Creates an entry in the KS_SAMPLE_Incident form based on information input by the end user.
Kinetic Sample Incident Retrieve
Retrieves specific fields from a single entry in the KS_SAMPLE_Incident form that is specified by the 'Entry Id' parameter, which is the Request ID of the record.
Kinetic Sample Person Create
Creates a record in the KS_SAMPLE_People form based on the information input by the end user and returns the Request ID of the record created.
Kinetic Sample People Retrieve
Retrieves specific fields from a single entry in the KS_SAMPLE_People form. The record is retrieved by using the Search By and Search Value parameters to build a qualification.

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