Kinetic Sample Incident Retrieve Version 1

The KSSAMPLEIncident form is a sample Incident form with a limited number of fields on it. This handler retrieves the specified fields listed above for a single record that has the same 'Request ID' as the 'Entry Id' supplied to the handler. The sole purpose of the handler is to make the record data avaiable to other handlers. Examples of this would be to call this handler after running the KineticSampleIncidentCreate_V1 hander which returns the Entry ID of the record that was created. Once this handler has been run, you can run another handler that could send an email out with information about the Incident record.

  • Finds record where 'Entry Id' = 'Request ID'.

  • Throws an exception if a record cannot be found.

  • Returns the specified fields as Results of the handler.


Name Description
Entry Id The Request ID of the record that you want to retrieve.

Sample Configuration

Name Description
Entry Id <%=@results['sample_incident_create_v1']['Entry Id']%>


Name Description
Entry Id The 'Request ID' field data of the record being retrieved.
Summary The 'Summary' field data of the record being retrieved.
Description The 'Description' field data of the record being retrieved.
Company The 'Company' field data of the record being retrieved.
Category The 'Category' field data of the record being retrieved.
Type The 'Type' field data of the record being retrieved.
Item The 'Item' field data of the record being retrieved.
Group The 'Assigned To Group+' field data of the record being retrieved.
Individual The 'Assigned to Individual+' field data of the record being retrieved.
Impact The 'Impact' field data of the record being retrieved.
Case Type The 'Case Type' field data of the record being retrieved.
Status The 'Status' field data of the record being retrieved.
Pending The 'Pending' field data of the record being retrieved.
Closure Code The 'Closure Code' field data of the record being retrieved.
Escalated? The 'Escalated' field data of the record being retrieved.
Priority The 'Priority' field data of the record being retrieved.
Urgency The 'Request Urgency' field data of the record being retrieved.
AR Login The 'AR Login' field data of the record being retrieved.
Name The 'Requester Name+' field data of the record being retrieved.
Phone The 'Phone Number' field data of the record being retrieved.
Last Name The 'Last Name' field data of the record being retrieved.
First Name The 'First Name' field data of the record being retrieved.
Email Address The 'Email' field data of the record being retrieved.
Region The 'Region' field data of the record being retrieved.
Site The 'Site' field data of the record being retrieved.
Department The 'Department' field data of the record being retrieved.
Office The 'Office' field data of the record being retrieved.
Source The 'Source' field data of the record being retrieved.
Address 1 The 'AddrLine1' field data of the record being retrieved.
Address 2 The 'AddrLine2' field data of the record being retrieved.
City The 'City' field data of the record being retrieved.
State/Prov The 'State/Prov' field data of the record being retrieved.
Postal Code The 'Postal Code' field data of the record being retrieved.
Country The 'Country' field data of the record being retrieved.
Link Id The 'Link Id' field data of the record being retrieved.
instanceId The 'instanceId' field data of the record being retrieved.
Submitter The 'Submitter' field data of the record being retrieved.


KineticSampleIncidentRetrieve_V1 (2011-01-07)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

Related Handlers

Kinetic Sample Change Create
Creates an entry in the KS_SAMPLE_Change form based on information input by the end user.
Kinetic Sample Change Retrieve
Retrieves specific fields from a single entry in the KS_SAMPLE_Change form that is specified by the 'Entry Id' parameter, which is the Request ID of the record.
Kinetic Sample Incident Create
Creates an entry in the KS_SAMPLE_Incident form based on information input by the end user.
Kinetic Sample Person Create
Creates a record in the KS_SAMPLE_People form based on the information input by the end user and returns the Request ID of the record created.
Kinetic Sample People Retrieve
Retrieves specific fields from a single entry in the KS_SAMPLE_People form. The record is retrieved by using the Search By and Search Value parameters to build a qualification.

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