The KSSAMPLEIncident form is a simple incident form with a limited number of fields on it. This handler is designed to create a record in the form and return the Request ID of the record created. The only user information required is the requester's AR UserID or email address. The handler then goes out and checks if the value entered matches an existing UserID. If no results are returned, it then checks to see if the value entered matches an existing email address. If that doesn't return data it raises an exception.
The following data is used to create the KSSAMPLEIncident record:
Maps the deferral token of the task instance generated by this handler into the 'Link Id' field.
Sets the following field values to the specified values:
Sets the following field values to the values of the specified parameters:
Sets the following KSSAMPLEIncident field values to the specified field values of the retrieved KSSAMPLEPeople record:
Name | Description |
Login ID | Either the Remedy AR Login ID or the email address of the requester |
Summary | A short summary of the incident |
Description | A detailed description of the incident |
Name | Description |
Login ID | <%=@answers['Requester Login ID']%> |
Summary | <%=@answers['Summary']%> |
Description | <%=@answers['Incident Description']%> |
Name | Description |
Entry Id | The 'Request ID' of the incident that gets created. |
Deferral Token |
KineticSampleIncidentCreate_V1 (2011-01-13)
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