SMTP Email With Meeting Request Invite Send Version 1


Name Description
To A comma separated list of email address to be used as the intended recipients. Custom names can be used if any of the addresses are provided in the format: NAME
Summary A short summary of the event
Description A full description of the event
Location The location of the event
Start Date/Time A start Date/Time of the event(in ISO8601 format)
End Date/Time An end Date/Time of the event(in ISO8601 format)

Sample Configuration

Name Description
To <%=@answer['Req Full Name']%> <<%=@answer['Req Email']%>>
Summary <%= @answer['Event Summary'] %>
Description <%= @answer['Event Description'] %>
Start Date/Time <%= @answer['Start Date'] %>
End Date/Time <%= @answer['End Date'] %>


Name Description
Message Id The message Id of the sent email message.


ICSEventInviteSend_V1 (2011-06-13)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

Related Handlers

SMTP Email Attachment From Url Send
This handler builds and sends a plaintext or HTML encoded email (with an optional attachment) directly to the specified email server specified by the associated task info values.
SMTP Email Send
This handler builds and sends a plaintext or HTML encoded email directly to the specified email server specified by the associated task info values.
SMTP Email With Attachment Send
This handler builds and sends a plaintext or HTML encoded email (with an optional attachment) directly to the specified email server specified by the associated task info values.

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