SMTP Email Send Version 1

This handler builds and sends a simple Smtp email directly to an email server based on the specified info items and parameters passed to the task instance. When an html body is set, the handler will replace images that have a fully qualified source prefixed with the string 'cid:' with embedded images. This includes the image files directly into the email rather than requiring the email client to load them from the Internet.

NOTE - This handler was updated 2014/01/17 to allow multiple email addresses (comma separated) in the To field. The version did not change because none of the input parameters changed and will be completely compatible with exiting nodes that use this handler.


Name Description
Error Handling Determine what to return if an error is encountered.
From (Email Address) The email address of the simulated sender.
To (Email Address) The email address of the intended recipient.
Subject The subject of the email.
HTML Body HTML representing the body of a rich email.
Alternate (text) Body A plaintext message that will be displayed if the recipient can't display multipart HTML emails.

Sample Configuration

Name Description
Error Handling Error Message
To (Email Address) <%=@answer['Req Full Name']%> <<%=@answer['Req Email']%>>
From (Email Address) <%=@results['Retrieve Fulfiller']['Name']%> <<%=@results['Retrieve Fulfiller']['Email']%>>
Subject <%= @answer['Event Summary'] %>
HTML Body Your ...
<%=@results['Retrieve Fulfiller']['Name']%>
Alternate (text) Body Your..... ?Thanks <%=@results['Retrieve Fulfiller']['Name']%>


Name Description
Message Id The message Id of the sent email message.
Handler Error Message


SMTP Email Send V1 (2017-03-10)

  • Rewrote handler in Ruby

SMTP Email Send V1.2 (2017-05-03)

  • Updated with error_handling parameter

SMTP Email Send V1.3 (2018-04-20)

  • Username and Password info values are no longer required

Related Handlers

SMTP Email Attachment From Url Send
This handler builds and sends a plaintext or HTML encoded email (with an optional attachment) directly to the specified email server specified by the associated task info values.
SMTP Email With Attachment Send
This handler builds and sends a plaintext or HTML encoded email (with an optional attachment) directly to the specified email server specified by the associated task info values.
SMTP Email With Meeting Request Invite Send
Creats an ICS calendar event and sends the file via email to a list of recipients

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