SMTP Email Attachment From Url Send Version 1

This handler: smtpemailattachmentfromurl works with this handler: kineticrequestceattachmentinfo

The use of these two Handlers in a Task tree will allow you to retrieve an Attachment submitted from a Service Item and then email that Attachment file.

The kineticrequestceattachmentinfo handler has two fields to populate:

Submission Id Field Name

Take the JSON result from the kineticrequestceattachmentinfo handler and map them to the following inputs in smtpemailattachmentfromurl

Attachment Name: Attachment Content: Attachment Url:


Name Description
To A comma separated list of email address to be used as the intended recipients. Custom names can be used if any of the addresses are provided in the format: NAME
CC A comma separated list of email address to be used as the intended CC recipients. Custom names can be used if any of the addresses are provided in the format: NAME
BCC A comma separated list of email address to be used as the intended BCC recipients. Custom names can be used if any of the addresses are provided in the format: NAME
Display Name (From) The value to be used for the Name of the sender (the email address of the sender can not be manually set).
Reply To The address of the account that email replies should be sent to. The email address of the A custom name can be used if the address is provided in the format: NAME
Subject The subject of the email.
HTML Body HTML representing the body of the email (should start with '' and end with '').
Alternate Body (Text) A plaintext message that will be displayed if the recipient can't display multipart HTML emails.
Attachment Input Type Choose JSON if the input for the attachment info as a JSON string or choose Parameters if the input should take separate parameters.
Attachment JSON The JSON input for the attachment.
Attachment Name The name of the attachment for this email message.
Attachment Content The content of attachment for this email message.
Attachment Url The url for the attachment for this email message.
Raise Errors If true, errors will be raised like normal and the tree will stop. If false, the error will be included in the results but the tree will continue processing.

Sample Configuration

Name Description
To <%=@answer['Req Full Name']%> <<%=@answer['Req Email']%>>
CC <%=@results['Retrieve Requester Manager']['Email']%>
Display Name (From) <%=@template['Name']%>
Reply To <%=@results['Retrieve Fulfiller']['Name']%> <<%=@results['Retrieve Fulfiller']['Email']%>>
Subject Your request is being processed.
Alternate Body (Text) Your.....
Attachment Name <%=@results['Retrieve Attachment']['Name']%>
Attachment Content <%=@results['Retrieve Attachment']['Content']%>
Attachment Url <%=@results['Retrieve Attachment']['Url']%>
Raise Errors True
Attachment Input Type
Attachment JSON


Name Description
Success If Raise Errors is set to False, will return true if the handler encountered any errors
Error Message The error message if Raise Errors is set to False and an error was encountered
Message Id Id of the successfully sent message


== SMTP Email Attachment From Url V1 (2016-03-21)

Initial Version

Related Handlers

SMTP Email Send
This handler builds and sends a plaintext or HTML encoded email directly to the specified email server specified by the associated task info values.
SMTP Email With Attachment Send
This handler builds and sends a plaintext or HTML encoded email (with an optional attachment) directly to the specified email server specified by the associated task info values.
SMTP Email With Meeting Request Invite Send
Creats an ICS calendar event and sends the file via email to a list of recipients

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