Exchange Appointment Update Recurring Version 2

This handler uses the Exchange Web Services Java API to return all Exchange appointments within a given time range. After configuring the API to connect to the server and getting the correct time frame, an API call is made which returns an Array of appointment objects. This Array is then iterated over to make a JSON table with all of the relevant appointment data. Each appointment has a hash that contains the subject, location, start and end time, as well as the organizer and both the required and optional attendees. Any errors encountered will be caught and re-raised by the handler.


Name Description
Appointment Id Id of the appointment to be updated.
Recurrence Type Defines the type of recurring event; only needs to be provided if changing the recurring information. Options are 'RelativeYear', 'AbsoluteYear', 'RelativeMonth', 'AbsoluteMonth', 'Weekly', 'Daily'. Each option requires specific inputs. Examples: 'RelativeYear' = First Monday in January each year [Requires 'Days of Week', 'Day of Week Index', 'Month']; 'AbsoluteYear' = January 4 each year [Requires 'Day of Month', 'Month']; 'RelativeMonth' = Second Wednesday every 3rd month [Requires 'Days of Week', 'Day of Week Index', 'Interval']; 'AbsoluteMonth' = 22nd of every 3rd month [Requires 'Day of Month', 'Interval']; 'Weekly' = Tuesdays and Thursdays every other week [Requires 'Days of Week', 'Interval']; 'Daily' = Every 7th day [Requires 'Interval']
Duration Type Defines the length of the recurrence; only needs to be provided if changing the recurring information. Options are 'No End Date', 'Has End Date', 'Number of Occurrences'. If 'No End Date' or 'Number of Occurrences' is used, the end date is not required.
Days of Week Describes which day of the week is used in the relative recurrence pattern. Options are 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Day', 'Weekday', 'Weekend Day'. Required for 'RelativeYear', 'RelativeMonth', 'Weekly'. When used with weekly, multiple values can be used separated by a space (example 'Tuesday Thursday'), and the 'Day', 'Weekday', and 'Weekend Day' options are not allowed.
Day of Week Index Describes which week is used in a relative recurrence pattern. Options are 'First', 'Second', 'Third', 'Fourth', 'Last'. Required for 'RelativeYear', 'RelativeMonth'.
Month Identifies the month in which a recurring item occurs. Options are 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'. Required for 'RelativeYear' and 'AbsoluteYear'.
Day of Month Identifies the day in a month on which a recurring item occurs. The range of values for this property is 1 to 31. If for a particular month this value is larger than the number of days in the month, the last day of the month is assumed. Required for 'AbsoluteYear' and 'AbsoluteMonth'.
Interval Defines the interval between two consecutive recurring events. The range of options is from 1 to 99 for 'RelativeMonth', 'AbsoluteMonth', and 'Weekly'. The range of options is from 1 to 999 for 'Daily'. Required for 'Relativemonth', 'AbsoluteMonth', 'Weekly', and 'Daily'.
Start Date of Recurrence (UTC) The start date of the recurrence in UTC with the format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH:mm'.
End Date of Recurrence (UTC) The ending date of the recurrence in UTC with the format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or YYYY-MM-DD-HH:mm'. Required for Duration Type of 'HasEndDate'
Number of Occurrences Describes the number of occurrences of a recurring item.
Subject The subject of the new appointment.
Location The location of the new appointment.
Body The body of the new appointment.
Start (UTC) The start of the new appointment in UTC with the format 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss'.
End (UTC) The end of the new appointment in UTC with the format 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss'.
Manually Enter Time Zone? Yes is you want to manually specify a time zone. No if you want to pass times in UTC.
Time Zone Name If manually entering a time zone, select the time zone from the list
Required Attendees A comma separated list of email addresses that should be required to attend the appointment.
Optional Attendees A comma separated list of email addresses that can optionally attend the appointment.
Send Invitations How meeting requests are handled. Must be one of 'SendToNone','SendOnlyToAll', 'SendOnlyToChanged','SendToAllAndSaveCopy', 'SendToChangedAndSaveCopy'

Sample Configuration

Name Description
Appointment Id
Recurrence Type
Duration Type
Days of Week
Day of Week Index
Day of Month
Start Date of Recurrence (UTC)
End Date of Recurrence (UTC)
Number of Occurrences
Start (UTC)
End (UTC)
Manually Enter Time Zone?
Time Zone Name
Required Attendees
Optional Attendees
Send Invitations


Name Description


ExchangeAppointmentsRetrieve_V1 (2012-08-15)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

Related Handlers

Exchange Appointment Create Recurring
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Exchange Appointment Create
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Exchange Appointment Delete
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Exchange Appointment Find Occurrence
This handler finds an occurrence id of a recurring event when provided a date range specific to the occurrence and the master recurring event ID
Exchange Appointment Search
This handler searches for Exchange appointments based on a start and end date.
Exchange Appointment Update
This handler updates an existing Exchange Appointment

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