Exchange Appointment Create Version 3

This handler uses the Exchange Web Services (accessed through the Viewpoint ruby gem) to delete an existing appointment. After configuring the API to connect to the server, the appointment will be created and the handler will return an id that can be used to access the newly created appointment at a later time. Any errors encountered will be caught and re-raised by the handler.


Name Description
Subject The subject of the new appointment.
Location The location of the new appointment.
Body The body of the new appointment.
Start The start of the new appointment in the format 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss'.
End The end of the new appointment in the format 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss'.
Manually Enter Time Zone? Yes is you want to manually specify a time zone. No if you want to pass times in UTC.
Time Zone Name If manually entering a time zone, select the time zone from the list
Required Attendees A comma separated list of email addresses that should be required to attend the appointment.
Optional Attendees A comma separated list of email addresses that can optionally attend the appointment.
Send Invitations How meeting requests are handled. Must be one of 'SendToNone','SendOnlyToAll','SendToAllAndSaveCopy'

Sample Configuration

Name Description
Subject Test appointment
Location East Conference Room
Body Conference call number is 999-999-9999
Required Attendees
Optional Attendees,
Manually Enter Time Zone?
Time Zone Name
Send Invitations


Name Description


ExchangeAppointmentsRetrieve_V1 (2012-08-15)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

Related Handlers

Exchange Appointment Create Recurring
This handler creates a new recurring Exchange Appointment
Exchange Appointment Delete
This handler deletes an Exchange Appointment
Exchange Appointment Find Occurrence
This handler finds an occurrence id of a recurring event when provided a date range specific to the occurrence and the master recurring event ID
Exchange Appointment Search
This handler searches for Exchange appointments based on a start and end date.
Exchange Appointment Update Recurring
This handler updates a recurring Exchange Appointment
Exchange Appointment Update
This handler updates an existing Exchange Appointment

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