Exchange Appointment Delete Version 1

This handler uses the Exchange Web Services (accessed through the Viewpoint ruby gem) to delete an existing appointment. After configuring the API to connect to the server the appointment corresponding to the inputted id is retrieved. If it is successfully found, the appointment will deleted and exchange will send messages to any of the attendees that were attached to the item. Any errors encountered will be caught and re-raised by the handler.


Name Description
Appointment Id Id of the appointment to be deleted.

Sample Configuration

Name Description
Appointment Id AAMkADVjNDJhODA5LThjZjr7R...Y2rEhHPAAH5LzWtAAA=


This handler does not return any results.


ExchangeAppointmentDelete_V1 (2015-03-03)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

Related Handlers

Exchange Appointment Create Recurring
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Exchange Appointment Create
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Exchange Appointment Find Occurrence
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Exchange Appointment Search
This handler searches for Exchange appointments based on a start and end date.
Exchange Appointment Update Recurring
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Exchange Appointment Update
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