Mantis Issue Update Version 1


Name Description
Issue Identifier Identifier of the issue to be updated.
Project Name Project to which this issue belongs. This field is mandatory, and must match one of the Projects configured in your Mantis BT instance (case sensitive).
Category Name of category to which the issue belongs. This field is mandatory and must match one of the configured categories in your Mantis BT instance (case sensitive).
Summary Summary of the issue. This field is mandatory.
Description Description of the issue. This field is mandatory.
Priority Issue priority. Only the name is accepted, not the ID. Name must match a configured priority in your Mantis BT instance (case sensitive)
Severity Issue severity. Only the name is accepted, not the ID. Name must match a configured severity in your Mantis BT instance (case sensitive)
Issue Status Issue Status. Only the name is accepted, not the ID. Name must match a configured status in your Mantis BT instance (case sensitive)
Reported By Username of the user who reported the issue. User must have Mantis BT account in your instance.
Product Version Version identifier of the project that the issue was found in. Must be a configured version that maps to the project referenced in the 'Project Name' variable
Product Build Build identifier of the product that the issue was found in.
OS Platform (e.g. 32-bit or 64-bit)
OS Operating System that the issue occurs in, if applicable.
OS Build Version / Build number for the OS indicated in the OS parameter
Ability to Reproduce Issue Reproducibility. Only the name is accepted, not the ID. Name must match a configured reproducibility in your Mantis BT instance (case sensitive)
Sponsorship Total Total sponsorships for this issue.
Assigned To Username of user handling the issue.
Projection Projection for the scope of the work associated with resolving the issue. Only the name is accepted, not the ID. Name must match a configured projection in your Mantis BT instance (case sensitive)
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival. Only the name is accepted, not the ID. Name must match a configured ETA in your Mantis BT instance (case sensitive)
Resolution Issue Resolution. Only the name is accepted, not the ID. Name must match a configured resolution in your Mantis BT instance (case sensitive)
Fixed in Version The system version that the issue is fixed in.
Steps to Reproduce Steps to reproduce the issue.
Additional Information Additional information about the issue.
Target Version The version of the system that the fix is planned for.

Sample Configuration

Name Description
Issue Identifier
Project Name
Issue Status
Reported By
Product Version
Product Build
OS Platform
OS Build
Ability to Reproduce
Sponsorship Total
Assigned To
Fixed in Version
Steps to Reproduce
Additional Information
Target Version


Name Description


mantisissueupdate_v1 (2011-02-18)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

Related Handlers

Mantis Fetch Issue Data
Calls the SOAP based 'mc_issue_get' web service, passing the username and password of the API user, and the identifier of the issue to be retrieved. Upon authentication, Mantis BT will return the details of the issue whose identifier was provided, which will be provided by this handler as a JSON string
Mantis Issue Add Attachment
Calls the SOAP based 'mc_issue_attachment_add' web service to add an attachment to the Issue with the specified identifier. Returns the identifier of the newly added attachment
Mantis Issue Add Relationship
Calls the SOAP based 'mc_issue_relationship_add' web service, passing the username and password of the API user, and the details of the issue relationship to be added. Upon authentication, Mantis BT will relate the issues and return the relationship identifier.
Mantis Issue Add Tag
Calls the SOAP based 'mc_issue_set_tags' web service, to add a tag to the specified issue in Mantis BT. Returns a boolean indicator of success (true) or failure (false).
Mantis Issue Check In
Calls the SOAP based 'mc_issue_checkin' web service, to notify Mantis BT of a check in for the issue with the specified ID. Returns a boolean indicator that the check in was successful (true) or not successful (false)
Mantis Issue Create
Calls the SOAP based 'mc_issue_add' web service, passing the username and password of the API user, and the details of the issue to be entered. Upon authentication, Mantis BT will create the issue ticket and return the ticket number.
Mantis Issue Delete Attachment
Calls the SOAP based 'mc_issue_attachment_delete' web service, passing the username and password of the API user, and the identifier of the issue attachment to be deleted. Upon authentication, Mantis BT will delete the attachment whose identifier was provided and return a boolean indicator of success (true) or failure (false)
Mantis Issue Delete Note
Calls the SOAP based 'mc_issue_note_delete' web service, to delete the note with the specified identifier in Mantis BT. Returns a boolean value indicating if the deletion was successful (true) or unsuccessful (false)
Mantis Issue Delete Relationship
Calls the SOAP based 'mc_issue_relationship_delete' web service, to delete the specified relationship between two issues. Returns a boolean value indicating if the deletion was successful (true) or unsuccessful (false)
Mantis Issue Delete
Calls the SOAP based 'mc_issue_delete' web service, passing the username and password of the API user, and the identifier of the issue to be deleted. Upon authentication, Mantis BT will delete the issue whose identifier was provided, return a boolean indicator of success (true) or failure (false)
Mantis Issue Exists
Calls the SOAP based 'mc_issue_exists' web service, to check if the specified Issue exists in your Mantis BT instance. Returns a boolean indicator that it exists (true) or doesn't exist (false)
Mantis Issue Get Attachment
Calls the SOAP based 'mc_issue_attachment_get' web service, passing the username and password of the API user, and the identifier of the issue attachment to be retrieved. Upon authentication, Mantis BT will return the Base-64 encoded content of the attachment.
Mantis Issue Update Note
Calls the SOAP based 'mc_issue_note_update' web service, to update the note with the specified identifier in Mantis BT. Returns a boolean value indicating if the update was successful (true) or unsuccessful (false)
Mantis Project Add Category
Calls the SOAP based 'mc_project_add_category' web service, passing the username and password of the API user, and the category to be added to the project. Upon authentication, Mantis BT adds the category to the project and returns the identifier for the newly created category.
Mantis Project Add Version
Calls the SOAP based 'mc_project_version_add' web service, passing the username and password of the API user, and the version to be added to the project. Upon authentication, Mantis BT adds the version to the project and returns the identifier for the newly created version.
Mantis Project Create
Calls the SOAP based 'mc_project_add' web service, passing the username and password of the API user, and the details of the project to be added. Upon authentication, Mantis BT will create the project and return the project identifier.

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