Name | Description |
Issue Identifier | Identifier of the issue to be updated. |
Project Name | Project to which this issue belongs. This field is mandatory, and must match one of the Projects configured in your Mantis BT instance (case sensitive). |
Category | Name of category to which the issue belongs. This field is mandatory and must match one of the configured categories in your Mantis BT instance (case sensitive). |
Summary | Summary of the issue. This field is mandatory. |
Description | Description of the issue. This field is mandatory. |
Priority | Issue priority. Only the name is accepted, not the ID. Name must match a configured priority in your Mantis BT instance (case sensitive) |
Severity | Issue severity. Only the name is accepted, not the ID. Name must match a configured severity in your Mantis BT instance (case sensitive) |
Issue Status | Issue Status. Only the name is accepted, not the ID. Name must match a configured status in your Mantis BT instance (case sensitive) |
Reported By | Username of the user who reported the issue. User must have Mantis BT account in your instance. |
Product Version | Version identifier of the project that the issue was found in. Must be a configured version that maps to the project referenced in the 'Project Name' variable |
Product Build | Build identifier of the product that the issue was found in. |
OS Platform | (e.g. 32-bit or 64-bit) |
OS | Operating System that the issue occurs in, if applicable. |
OS Build | Version / Build number for the OS indicated in the OS parameter |
Ability to Reproduce | Issue Reproducibility. Only the name is accepted, not the ID. Name must match a configured reproducibility in your Mantis BT instance (case sensitive) |
Sponsorship Total | Total sponsorships for this issue. |
Assigned To | Username of user handling the issue. |
Projection | Projection for the scope of the work associated with resolving the issue. Only the name is accepted, not the ID. Name must match a configured projection in your Mantis BT instance (case sensitive) |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival. Only the name is accepted, not the ID. Name must match a configured ETA in your Mantis BT instance (case sensitive) |
Resolution | Issue Resolution. Only the name is accepted, not the ID. Name must match a configured resolution in your Mantis BT instance (case sensitive) |
Fixed in Version | The system version that the issue is fixed in. |
Steps to Reproduce | Steps to reproduce the issue. |
Additional Information | Additional information about the issue. |
Target Version | The version of the system that the fix is planned for. |
Name | Description |
Issue Identifier | |
Project Name | |
Category | |
Summary | |
Description | |
Priority | |
Severity | |
Issue Status | |
Reported By | |
Product Version | |
Product Build | |
OS Platform | |
OS | |
OS Build | |
Ability to Reproduce | |
Sponsorship Total | |
Assigned To | |
Projection | |
ETA | |
Resolution | |
Fixed in Version | |
Steps to Reproduce | |
Additional Information | |
Target Version |
Name | Description |
Mantis_Issue_Update_Successful |
mantisissueupdate_v1 (2011-02-18)
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