This handler uses the Kinetic Task REST API to start a new run of an existing tree. To configure the info values, you'll need your username, password, and the url where your task instance is located. The handler assembles the endpoint to the intended tree and then sends a POST to it (including the body of JSON key/value pairs if it was not left blank). The handler will return the run id of the process that was started by this handler.
Name | Description |
Source | The source for the tree you want to run. |
Group | The group of the tree you want to run. |
Tree Name | The name of the tree you want to run. |
Body | A JSON string of name/value pairs that will be passed to the tree as body content. |
Name | Description |
Source | Playground |
Group | Scott |
Tree Name | API |
Body | {"String1": "Source", "String2": "Data"} |
Name | Description |
run_id | The run id of the tree that was just started. |
kinetictasktree_run v1 (2014-09-08)
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