Kinetic Task Handler Retrieve Version 1

This handler uses the Kinetic Task REST API to retrieve a handler. To configure the info values, you'll need your username, password, and the url where your task instance is located. The handler will return details, info properties, and categorization of the handler. Intended for backup and/or export/import functionality.

Note: Your the user configured must have access via API Console Policy rule to be able to effectively use this handler.


Name Description
Error Handling Determine what to return if an error is encountered.
Task Instance The location of the Kinetic Task instance (ie.
Space Slug The space this task engine is for, if part of kinops.
Definition Id A valid Definition Id of a handler, ex. kinetic_request_ce_attribute_values_retrieve_v1

Sample Configuration

Name Description
Error Handling Error Message
Definition Id kinetic_request_ce_attribute_values_retrieve_v1
Task Instance
Space Slug


Name Description
Handler Error Message Error message (if one is returned)
Response The json response. Will contain the details, info properties, and categorization.


Kinetic Task Handler Retrieve V1 (2018-6-21)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

Related Handlers

Kinetic Task Engine Control
This handler is used to stop, start, or restart the task engine.
Kinetic Task Instance Complete With Answer Set
Creates a complete trigger for the deferred task and passes along answer set data as return variables.
Kinetic Task Tree Create
This handler is used to create a tree for a given source / group.
Kinetic Task Tree Retrieve
This handler is used to retrieve a tree for a given source / group.
Kinetic Task Tree Run
This handler is used to start a new run of an existing tree.
Kinetic Task Trigger Resume
This handler changes the status of a task trigger from Paused to Unpaused, then the engine will then process the trigger.
Kinetic Task Triggers Retrieve By Handler
This handler retrieves all of the paused triggers related to the specified task handler.
Kinetic Task Triggers Retrieve By Tree
This handler retrieves all of the paused triggers related to the specified task tree.

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