Kinetic Tabular Data Find Version 2

This handler returns the request ids (field 1) for all records in the CUSTOM:KSSRVTableData_base form that match the provided query. This is returned in XML format (like below) for use in loops.

000000000000013 000000000000381 000000000002582

It also returns the instance ids (field 179) in a similar format:

AG0050569A648CU5tSUAUcZMAgc8AC AG0050569A648ClZtSUAkMVNAgVcYC AG0050569A648CMZtSUAKUBMAgMrkC

Note that this is not necessary if you want every row out of a table that is saved in the same tree. In that case, the results of the table data create handler can be used.


Name Description
Survey Instance ID Survey Instance ID
Survey Template Name Survey Template Name
Originating ID Associated Request GUID
Table Name Table Name
Value1 Value in Column 1
Value2 Value in Column 2
Value3 Value in Column 3
Value4 Value in Column 4
Value5 Value in Column 5
Value6 Value in Column 6
Value7 Value in Column 7
Value8 Value in Column 8
Value9 Value in Column 9
Value10 Value in Column 10
Value11 Value in Column 11
Value12 Value in Column 12
Value13 Value in Column 13
Value14 Value in Column 14
Value15 Value in Column 15
Value16 Value in Column 16
Value17 Value in Column 17
Value18 Value in Column 18
Value19 Value in Column 19
Value20 Value in Column 20

Sample Configuration

Name Description
Originating ID <=%dataset['Originating ID']%>
Table Name ContactTable
Value6 Alternate Contact
Survey Instance ID
Survey Template Name


Name Description
RequestIdList The request ids (field 1) of the updated record.
InstanceIdList The instance ids (field 179) of the updated record.


Kinetic Tabular Data Find (2013-06-17)

  • Expanding fields available to search by

Kinetic Tabular Data Find (2013-01-30)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

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Kinetic Assignment Record Update
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Returns an XML listing record ids found in the KS_SRV_Helper form.
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Creates a specific record in the KS_SRV_Helper form.
Kinetic Helper Record Find All
Returns an XML listing record ids found in the KS_SRV_Helper form.
Kinetic Helper Record Find
Returns the first record id to a specific search in the KS_SRV_Helper form.
Kinetic Helper Record Update
Updates a specific record in the KS_SRV_Helper form.
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Kinetic Request Answer Retrieve
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Kinetic Request Answer Update
Creates a Submission Answer
Kinetic Request All Answers Retrieve
Retrieves Submission Answers
Kinetic Request Approval Create
Creates an approval submission for the submission record specified by the 'Lookup Id' parameter, typically the Instance Id of the originating base request.
Kinetic Request Attribute Create
Populates Attributes Records (Settings Tab) for Service Items from a CSV data file
Kinetic Request Checkbox To XML
This handler converts a Kinetic Request checkbox answer into an XML string.
Kinetic Request Email Message Create
Creates a Kinetic message record using the specified message template. Once the Kinetic Request message poller process the record, an email message is generated and sent to the target recipient.
Kinetic Request Service Item Add Attribute
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Kinetic Request Service Item Detect Attribute
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Kinetic Request Service Item Detect
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Kinetic Request Service Item Remove Attribute
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Kinetic Request Service Item Rename
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Kinetic Request Base Submission Retrieve
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Kinetic Request Submission Build Attachment URL
Builds and returns URL for a file download of an attachment that was uploaded as a question answer.
Kinetic Request Submission Build Review Request Url
Builds and returns the URL that corresponds to a review request view of the desired Kinetic Request submission.
Kinetic Request Submission Close All Open
Updates the Validation Status, the status that is displayed to the end user, of the specified submission record and sets the Request Status to "Closed" for all open requests associated with the provided originating ID.
Kinetic Request Submission Close
Updates the Validation Status, the status that is displayed to the end user, of the specified Kinetic Request submission record and sets the Request Status to "Closed".
Kinetic Request Submission Create Answers
This handler creates answer records related to the specified submission given one or multiple JSON answer sets.
Kinetic Request Submission Create
Creates a new base submission using the information specified.
Kinetic Request Submission Dataset Retrieve
Returns all dataset values for a given submission. For use inside of subtrees.
Kinetic Request Submission Format Answers HTML
Builds a simple result string by formatting a specified subset of answers for the source Kinetic Request submission.
Kinetic Request Submission Format Answers
Builds a simple result string by formatting a specified subset of answers for the source Kinetic Request submission.
Kinetic Request Submission Get Answer Set
This handler builds a JSON answer set for the current submission. The JSON structure maps question labels to their corresponding answers.
Kinetic Request Submission Update Answers
This handler creates or update answer records related to the specified submission given one or multiple JSON answer sets.
Kinetic Request Submission Update Status 7
Updates the Status field (ID 7 not validation Status).
Kinetic Request Submission Update Status
Updates the Validation Status, the status that is displayed to the end user, of the specified Kinetic Request submission record.
Kinetic Submission Complete
Sets a submission to complete and triggers the complete workflow, such as firing triggers
Kinetic Submission Retrieve Attribute
Retrieves the Kinetic Request base request with the specified values
Kinetic Submission Update Attribute
Updates the Kinetic Request base request with the specified values
Kinetic Table Data Create
Creates an entry in the CUSTOM:KS_SRV_TableData_base form
Kinetic Tabular Data Retrieve
Retrieves a single CUSTOM:KS_SRV_TableData_base entry/saved table row with the instance id specified.

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