Kinetic Request Submission Format Answers HTML Version 5


Name Description
Starting Question: The question name of the first question that should be formatted. If this is left blank, the first question on the service item will be used.
Ending Question: The question name of the last question that should be formatted. If this is left blank, the last question on the service item will be used.
Included Questions: A comma separated list of question names that should be explicitely included in the question list. Questions included in this list will be included even if they do not exist between the starting and ending questions. Whitespace matters; ensure there are no spaces after a comma separating the menu labels (unless the question menu label includes a preceding space).
Excluded Questions: A comma separated list of question names that should be explicitely excluded in the question list. Questions included in this list will be excluded even if they exist between the starting and ending questions or are included in the 'Included Question' parameter. Whitespace matters; ensure there are no spaces after a comma separating the menu labels (unless the question menu label includes a preceding space).
Survey/Request Instance ID: Instance ID of the survey/request to retrieve answers for
Include Review Link: Yes/No: Whether or not a review link should be included below the table
Include Template Name: Yes/No: Whether or not the name of the template should be included above the table as a header
Default Web Server: Default Web Server
Heading table structure: header table structure
Question table tag open: opening table tag and styling
Question table tbody tag open: opening table tag and styling
Question table tr tag open: opening tr tag and styling
Question table label td tag open: opening question label td tag and styling
Question table label td tag close: closing question label td tag
Question table answer td tag open: opening question answer td tag and styling
Question table answer td tag close: closing question answer td tag
Question table tr tag close: closing tr tag
Question table tbody tag close: closing body tag
Question table tag close: closing table tag

Sample Configuration

Name Description
Starting Question:
Ending Question:
Included Questions:
Excluded Questions:
Heading table structure:
Survey/Request Instance ID:
Include Review Link:
Include Template Name:
Default Web Server:
Question table tag open:
Question table tbody tag open:
Question table tr tag open:
Question table label td tag open:
Question table label td tag close:
Question table answer td tag open:
Question table answer td tag close:
Question table tr tag close:
Question table tbody tag close:
Question table tag close:


Name Description
result The HTML table/string result of answers referenced by the starting/ending question and included/excluded questions parameters.
textresult The same data as in the HTML result, but in a text only format. Answers: Question Label: Answer format.


KineticRequestSubmissionFormatAnswers__HTML v5 (2015-12-18)

  • 5.2 version. Handles 5.2 unlimited answers.

KineticRequestSubmissionFormatAnswers_HTMLV4 (2015-04-17)

*Added ability to add template name as title

*Added ability to add review link as footer

*Fixed issue with starting and ending questions needing to be required.

*Added basic HTML escaping for answer and question labels for the result


*Bug fix to use correct key to access records

*WARNING: known error: doesn't handle empty starting question well. Be sure

specified starting question is a required question.

KineticRequestSubmissionFormatAnswers_HTMLV2 (2012-07-20)

  • uses specified submission, not necessarily the current one

  • displays question labels in the results rather than question names

KineticRequestSubmissionFormatAnswers_HTMLV1 (2012-07-19)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

Related Handlers

Kinetic Assignment Record Retrieve
Retrieves a specific record from the KS_RQT_Assignment form.
Kinetic Assignment Record Update
Updates the Request Due Date, Work Order Due Date, and/or Priority field(S) on a specific record from the KS_RQT_Assignment form.
Kinetic Cost Calculate Costs
Returns an XML listing record ids found in the KS_SRV_Helper form.
Kinetic Helper Record Create
Creates a specific record in the KS_SRV_Helper form.
Kinetic Helper Record Find All
Returns an XML listing record ids found in the KS_SRV_Helper form.
Kinetic Helper Record Find
Returns the first record id to a specific search in the KS_SRV_Helper form.
Kinetic Helper Record Retrieve
Retrieves a specific record from the KS_SRV_Helper form.
Kinetic Helper Record Update
Updates a specific record in the KS_SRV_Helper form.
Kinetic Request Answer Create
Creates a Submission Answer
Kinetic Request Answer Retrieve
Retrieves a Submission Answer
Kinetic Request Answer Update
Creates a Submission Answer
Kinetic Request All Answers Retrieve
Retrieves Submission Answers
Kinetic Request Approval Create
Creates an approval submission for the submission record specified by the 'Lookup Id' parameter, typically the Instance Id of the originating base request.
Kinetic Request Attribute Create
Populates Attributes Records (Settings Tab) for Service Items from a CSV data file
Kinetic Request Checkbox To XML
This handler converts a Kinetic Request checkbox answer into an XML string.
Kinetic Request Service Item Add Attribute
This handler adds an attribute to the given service item.
Kinetic Request Service Item Detect Attribute
This handler checks to see if a specific attribute is defined for the given service item.
Kinetic Request Service Item Detect
This handler checks to see if a given service item already exists.
Kinetic Request Service Item Remove Attribute
This handler removes a specific attribute that is defined for the given service item. If multiple instances of the same attribute are defined for the same service item, they are all removed.
Kinetic Request Service Item Rename
This handler renames a given service item.
Kinetic Request Service Item Update Status
This handler updates the status of a given service item.
Kinetic Request Base Submission Retrieve
Retrieves a specific Kinetic Request base record from the KS_SRV_CustomerSurvey_base form.
Kinetic Request Submission Build Attachment URL
Builds and returns URL for a file download of an attachment that was uploaded as a question answer.
Kinetic Request Submission Build Review Request Url
Builds and returns the URL that corresponds to a review request view of the desired Kinetic Request submission.
Kinetic Request Submission Close All Open
Updates the Validation Status, the status that is displayed to the end user, of the specified submission record and sets the Request Status to "Closed" for all open requests associated with the provided originating ID.
Kinetic Request Submission Close
Updates the Validation Status, the status that is displayed to the end user, of the specified Kinetic Request submission record and sets the Request Status to "Closed".
Kinetic Request Submission Create Answers
This handler creates answer records related to the specified submission given one or multiple JSON answer sets.
Kinetic Request Submission Create
Creates a new base submission using the information specified.
Kinetic Request Submission Dataset Retrieve
Returns all dataset values for a given submission. For use inside of subtrees.
Kinetic Request Submission Format Answers
Builds a simple result string by formatting a specified subset of answers for the source Kinetic Request submission.
Kinetic Request Submission Get Answer Set
This handler builds a JSON answer set for the current submission. The JSON structure maps question labels to their corresponding answers.
Kinetic Request Submission Update Answers
This handler creates or update answer records related to the specified submission given one or multiple JSON answer sets.
Kinetic Request Submission Update Status 7
Updates the Status field (ID 7 not validation Status).
Kinetic Request Submission Update Status
Updates the Validation Status, the status that is displayed to the end user, of the specified Kinetic Request submission record.
Kinetic Submission Complete
Sets a submission to complete and triggers the complete workflow, such as firing triggers
Kinetic Submission Retrieve Attribute
Retrieves the Kinetic Request base request with the specified values
Kinetic Submission Update Attribute
Updates the Kinetic Request base request with the specified values
Kinetic Table Data Create
Creates an entry in the CUSTOM:KS_SRV_TableData_base form
Kinetic Tabular Data Find
Retrieves request IDs (field 1) and Instance IDs (field 179) for Remedy entries for the form used for storing table data.
Kinetic Tabular Data Retrieve
Retrieves a single CUSTOM:KS_SRV_TableData_base entry/saved table row with the instance id specified.

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