Kinetic Request CE Form Type Create Version 1

This handler creates a form type


Name Description
Error Handling Determine what to return if an error is encountered.
Space Slug The Space the form type will created in (defaults to info value if not provided).
Kapp Slug The Kapp in which the form type will created.
Form Type The name of the new form type to be created

Sample Configuration

Name Description
Error Handling Error Message
Space Slug test-space
Kapp Slug test-kapp
Form Type Test Type 123


Name Description
Handler Error Message Error message if an error was encountered and Error Handling is set to "Error Message".


Kinetic Request CE Form Type Create V1.1 (2018-05-25)

  • API Server Info Value changed to allow ${space} in the url for subdomain support

(ie. https://${space}.localhost:8080/kinetic)

Kinetic Request CE Form Type Create V1 (2016-09-10)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

Related Handlers

Kinetic Request CE Attachment Copy
This handler is used to copy an attachment from one submission to another.
Kinetic Request CE Attachment Create
Creates a plaintext attachment and uploads it to a Kinetic Request CE Form.
Kinetic Request CE Attachment Temp Link Retrieve
Retrieves file attachment information for a submitted attachment field in Kinetic Request CE. This information also contains the URL for each attachment so the file can be downloaded from the file store.
Kinetic Request CE Attachment Upload
Retrieves a an attachment from Kinetic Filehub and uploads it to a Request CE form.
Kinetic Request CE Attribute Definition Create
Creates an Attribute Definition in Kinetic Request CE.
Kinetic Request CE Attribute Values Retrieve
Returns attributes for the provided slugs.
Kinetic Request CE Attributes Set
Updates one or more Attributes in Kinetic Request CE for the specified object.
Kinetic Request CE Bridge Model Create
Creates a Bridge Model in Kinetic Request CE.
Kinetic Request CE Cascading Attribute Value Retrieve
Returns the matched value of the "Property to Return" parameter for the given scope. If the Context is Submission, this handler will search for a matching submission value, if none found, it will search the form, then kapp, then space for a match.
Kinetic Request CE Create Password Reset Token
Creates a password reset token for a user.
Kinetic Request CE Datastore Submission Activity Create
Creates a submission activity record in Kinetic Request CE.
Kinetic Request CE Datastore Submission Activity Retrieve
Retrieves a submission activity record in Kinetic Request CE.
Kinetic Request CE Datastore Submission Activity Update
Updates a submission activity record in Kinetic Request CE.
Kinetic Request CE Datastore Submission Create
Creates a Datastore Submission record in Kinetic Core for the specified space.
Kinetic Request CE Datastore Submission Delete
Deletes a Datastore Submission record in Kinetic Request CE for the specified space.
Kinetic Request CE Datastore Submission Retrieve
Retrieves a Datastore Submission record in Kinetic Request CE for the specified space.
Kinetic Request CE Datastore Submission Search
Searches a Datastore Form for submissions and returns any matching submission objects in the specified return format.
Kinetic Request CE Datastore Submission Update
Updates a Datastore Submission record in Kinetic Request CE for the specified space.
Kinetic Request CE Form Create
Creates a form record in Kinetic Request CE for the specified space. If the form exists, nothing happens
Kinetic Request CE Form Retrieve
Retrieves a form record in Kinetic Request CE for the specified space.
Kinetic Request CE Form Update
Updates a form in Kinetic Request CE for the specified space, kapp and form.
Kinetic Request CE Format Answers
Takes provided JSON or Retrieves all answers for a given submission and formats them into a name value pair results, json result, HTML table, and list. Allows for including, excluding, and or aliasing fields.
Kinetic Request CE Kapp Retrieve
Retrieves a Kapp record in Kinetic Request CE.
Kinetic Request CE Kapp Update
Updates a Kapp in Kinetic Request CE for the specified space.
Kinetic Request CE Password Change
Changes the password for a User record for the specified space in Kinetic Request CE.
Kinetic Request CE Space Admin Retrieve
Retrieves a User record in Kinetic Request CE for the specified space.
Kinetic Request CE Space Delete
Deletes a Space in Kinetic Request CE.
Kinetic Request CE Space Retrieve
Retrieves a Space record in Kinetic Request CE.
Kinetic Request CE Space Update
Retrieves a Space record in Kinetic Request CE.
Kinetic Request CE Submission Activity Create
Creates a submission activity record in Kinetic Request CE.
Kinetic Request CE Submission Activity Retrieve
Retrieves a submission activity record in Kinetic Request CE.
Kinetic Request CE Submission Activity Update
Updates a submission activity record in Kinetic Request CE.
Kinetic Request CE Submission Clone
Clones a Submission record in Kinetic Request CE for the specified space and orig submission.
Kinetic Request CE Submission Create
Creates a Submission record in Kinetic Core for the specified space.
Kinetic Request CE Submission Delete
Deletes a Submission record in Kinetic Request CE for the specified space.
Kinetic Request CE Submission Get Answers
Retrieves all answers for a given submission and formats them into a name value pair result list and json/dataset result. Allows for including, excluding, and or aliasing fields.
Kinetic Request CE Submission Reset
Reset a Submission record in Kinetic Request CE for the specified space.
Kinetic Request CE Submission Retrieve Associated Attributes
Retrieves a Submission record including all associated values, form attributes, kapp attributes and space attributes.
Kinetic Request CE Submission Retrieve Children
Returns a submissions children as an ID List, JSON, or XML
Kinetic Request CE Submission Retrieve
Retrieves a Submission record in Kinetic Request CE for the specified space.
Kinetic Request CE Submission Search
Searches a kapp or form for submissions and returns any matching submission objects in the specified return format.
Kinetic Request CE Submission Update
Updates a Submission record in Kinetic Request CE for the specified space.
Kinetic Request CE Team Create
Creates a team record in Kinetic Request CE for the specified space.
Kinetic Request CE Team Membership Create
Adds the given user to the given team.
Kinetic Request CE Team Membership Delete
Removes the given user from the given team.
Kinetic Request CE Team Retrieve
Retrieves a team in Kinetic Request CE in the specified space.
Kinetic Request CE Team Update
Updates a Team record in Kinetic Request CE for the specified space.
Kinetic Request CE User Create
Creates a User record in Kinetic Request CE for the specified space.
Kinetic Request CE User Retrieve
Retrieves a User record in Kinetic Request CE for the specified space.
Kinetic Request CE User Update
Updates a User record in Kinetic Request CE for the specified space.

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