HPSM Incident Create Version 1

This handler makes a SOAP call (using Savon) to the HP Service Manager Web Services to create a new HPSM Incident. After Savon is configured with your HPSM server, a hash is made containing all of the information that was inputted to create an incident. That hash is then converted into an XML string and sent to HPSM to create the incident. Any messages that were caused by the request and the id of the new incident will be returned by the handler upon success. If there are any errors, the handler will raise an exception which will contain any messages that HPSM returned about the error.


Name Description
Incident Id The incident id (will be automatically assigned by HP SM if not inputted).
Status The status of the incident.
Title The title of the incident.
Description A short description of what the incident is about.
Affected Service The Affected Service. List of possibilites found in HPSM instance.
Assignment Group The Assignment Group. List of possibilites found in HPSM instance.
Category The Category (default is 'incident')
Area The area the incident is filed under. List of possibilites found in HPSM instance.
Subarea The subarea the incident is filed under. List of possibilites found in HPSM instance.
Impact An integer corresponding to the impact level.
Urgency An integer corresponding to the urgency level.

Sample Configuration

Name Description
Incident Id IM10147
Status Open
Title Test Incident
Description This is a test incident report
Affected Service Applications
Assignment Group Hardware
Category incident
Area hardware
Subarea hardware failure
Impact 4
Urgency 2


Name Description
Incident Id


HpbsmIncidentCreate_V1 (2014-01-09)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

Related Handlers

HPSM Incident Activity Add
Adds an activity update to an existing incident in HP Service Manager.
HPSM Incident Update
Updates an incident in the HP Service Manager

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