Google Apps User Suspend Version 1

This handler uses the Google Provisioning API library to suspend a previously created Google Account on your domain. As long as the inputted username is in the database, it will be suspended. If an account is already suspended, this call will just pass through and the account in question will continue to be suspended. Any errors that occur during the posting process will be caught and re-raised by this handler.

  • Provisioning API must be enabled. To do so, you must: 1. Log in to your admin account and select either the "Domain Settings" or "Users and groups" tab, depending on what control panel version you have. 2. Select the Settings tab. 3. Select the checkbox to enable the Provisioning API. 4. Save your changes.


Name Description
Username The username of the user to be suspended.

Sample Configuration

Name Description
Username 'test.account'


This handler does not return any results.


GoogleAppsUserSuspend_V1 (2012-06-22)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

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