This handler uses the Google API library to unshare a Google Calendar that has been previously shared. The handler first uses the inputted refresh token and client id/secret to authorize the client (instructions on how to get these values can be found below). A call is then made to exchange the Calendar Name for a unique Calendar Id. Then another call will be made to Google to find the ACL Id of the calendar (the rule that says who the calendar can be shared to) so that it can then be deleted. Any errors that occur during the posting process will be caught and re-raised by this handler.
To enable the Calendar API and get Client Id and Client Secret:
1. Navigate to the 'Google Developers Console'
2. Click on the Create Project button (or if you have an existing project that you wish to keep using, click on the project name.)
3. Go to the APIs page and turn on the Calendar service
4. Go to the Credientials page and Create a new Client Id
* Select 'Installed Application' for the application type
* Select 'Other' for the Installed Application Type
To retrieve the Refresh Token for the account you want to post to
1. Put this url into your browser, while substiuting [:client_id] for the client id of your application
2. Choose or add the account that you wish to connect the handler with
3. Click accept to give your application permission to modify the calendar
4. Copy and paste the success code that appears on the page
5. Send a post request to get the refresh token
* This can either done with Curl or with a browser extension like Advanced REST Client in Chrome (A sample curl call is below)
POST URL = POST Parameters: code=[:code]&clientid=[:clientid]&clientsecret=[:clientsecret]&redirecturi=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob&granttype=authorization_code
Sample Curl Call: curl -- data "code=[:code]&clientid=[:clientid]&clientsecret=[:clientsecret]&redirecturi=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob&granttype=authorization_code"
Name | Description |
Calendar Name | The name of the calendar that will be unshared. |
Unshare Location | The location that the calendar will be unshared from. If the calendar is currently public, the location is 'default'. |
Name | Description |
Calendar Name | Example Calendar |
Unshare Location |
This handler does not return any results.
GoogleAppsCalendarUnshare_V1 (2014-06-10)
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