Amazon S3 File Upload From Submission Version 1

This handler creates and uploads content from an existing Request CE submission field value to an Amazon S3 bucket and then returns a public url of the successfully uploaded file. This is done by using an account's Access Key and Secret Access Key to authenticate with the Amazon S3 server and then uploading the file retrieved from Request CE and its content into the specified S3 bucket.


Name Description
Region Id of the region the inteded S3 server is located in (can also be configured as an info value).
Space Slug Slug for the space the submission is in (can also be configured as an info value).
Bucket Name of the bucket to upload to.
File Name Name that will be given to the file on upload (if not provided, will default to the default filename stored in Request CE).
Submission Id Submission Id that the attachment is located on.
Field Label Field Label for the attachment field.

Sample Configuration

Name Description
Region us-east-1
Space Slug
Bucket sample-files
File Name handler-test.txt
Submission Id 73f18e87-b2b5-4f2c-b009-9eb8dcdd270c
Field Label Attachment


Name Description
Public Url A public url for the file that was just uploaded.


Amazon S3 File Upload From Submission V1 (2017-10-03)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

Related Handlers

Amazon S3 Expiring Url Generator
Generate an expiring URL for S3.
Amazon S3 File Upload
This handler creates and uploads text content to an Amazon S3 Bucket

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