Amazon S3 Expiring Url Generator Version 1

This handler generates an expiring URL for S3. Expiring URLs take a bucket, a key (path + filename) and an expiration and build up a special URL that will give the user access to the file only for a certain time period.


This handler requires two info values for AWS authentication: Access Key ID and the Secret Access Key. These are analogous to username and password.

To find authentication values from the AWS account:

  1. Navigate to the following URL:

  2. Click the "Security Credentials" link (if you are not logged in, you will be prompted to do so).

  3. Click the "Access Credentials" link. Here you will find a list of your Access Keys.

  4. Use the Access Key ID to configure the accesskeyid info value of this handler.

  5. To retrieve the Secret Access Key, click the "Show" link next to the Access Key ID that will be used.

  6. Use the Secret Access Key to configure the secretaccesskey info value of this handler.


Name Description
Region Name of the region of the bucket (required if not specified as an info value).
Bucket Name of the desired bucket.
Key Name of the key in desired bucket (path + filename).
Seconds To Expire Number of seconds in which URL will expire. This may not exceed 604,800 seconds or one week.

Sample Configuration

Name Description
Region us-east-1
Bucket sample-bucket
Key file-to-show.txt
Seconds To Expire 300


Name Description
Public Url URL to desired bucket and key path for file.


Amazon S3 Expiring Url Generator V1 (2016-07-02)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

Related Handlers

Amazon S3 File Upload From Submission
This handler uploads an existing file from a Kinetic Request CE submission to an Amazon S3 bucket.
Amazon S3 File Upload
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