This handler uses the AWS REST API Launch the specified number of instances using an AMI for which you have permissions. For more information see the AWS Amazon Virtual Private Cloud User Guide online.
The Dry Run parameter validates user permissions and inputs. If it is set to true, an error will always be thrown by the handler before completing the handler action. Error response will be 'DryRunOperation' if the account has proper permissions and inputs; 'UnauthorizedOperation' if the account does not have proper permissions.
Name | Description |
Dry Run | Dry run validates user permissions and inputs without completing the EC2 action (true or false). |
Image ID | The ID of the AMI. |
Minimum Instance Count | The minimum number of instances to launch. |
Maximum Instance Count | The maximum number of instances to launch. |
Key Name | The name of the key pair. |
Security Groups | One or more security group names, separated by commas. |
Security Group IDs | One or more security group IDs, separated by commas. |
User Data | The Base64-encoded MIME user data for the instances. |
Instance Type | The instance type. |
Placement | The placement for the instance. |
Kernel ID | The ID of the kernel. |
Ramdisk ID | The ID of the RAM disk. |
Block Device Mapping | The block device mapping. |
Monitoring | true or false. The monitoring for the instance. |
Subnet ID | The ID of the subnet to launch the instance into. |
Disable API Termination | true or false. If you set this parameter to true, you can't terminate the instance using the Amazon EC2 console. |
Instance Initiated Shutdown Behavior | Accepts 'stop' or 'terminate'. Indicates whether an instance stops or terminates when you initiate shutdown. |
Private IP Address | The primary IP address. |
Client Token | Unique, case-sensitive identifier you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. |
Network Interfaces | One or more network interfaces. |
IAM Instance Profile | The IAM instance profile. |
EBS Optimized | true or false. Indicates whether the instance is optimized for EBS I/O. |
Name | Description |
Dry Run | |
Image ID | |
Minimum Instance Count | |
Maximum Instance Count | |
Key Name | |
Security Groups | |
Security Group IDs | |
User Data | |
Instance Type | |
Placement | |
Kernel ID | |
Ramdisk ID | |
Block Device Mapping | |
Monitoring | |
Subnet ID | |
Disable API Termination | |
Instance Initiated Shutdown Behavior | |
Private IP Address | |
Client Token | |
Network Interfaces | |
IAM Instance Profile | |
EBS Optimized |
Name | Description |
Reservation ID | Reservation of ID EC2 run instances. |
Owner ID | Owner ID of EC2 run instances. |
Requester ID | Requester ID of EC2 run instances. |
Groups XLM | Groups XLM of EC2 run instances. |
Groups String | Groups String of EC2 run instances. |
Instances XML | Instances XML of EC2 run instances. |
Instances String | Instances String of EC2 run instances. |
AWS EC2 Run Instances V1 (2017-08-24)
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