Yammer Group Create Version 2

This handler creates a new group on the domain that the inputted access token (as an info value) is tied to. If you want the group to be private, input true for the "Private" parameter. If not, the group will just be a standard public group. Any errors that happen in this process will be caught and re-raised by the handler.

How to retrieve your Access Token

  • These instructions can also be found on developer.yammer.com/authentication under client-side authentication
    1. Start by creating a client application at https://www.yammer.com/client_applications
    2. Fill in the required information and create the application
    3. Using the client id you retrieved from the application, paste this url into your browser, making sure to replace [:client_id]:
      • https://www.yammer.com/dialog/oauth?clientid=[:clientid]&redirecturi=
    4. After submitting that page and authorizing the application, look in the url to find your access token. That url will look like:
      • https://www.yammer.com127.0.0.1/#accesstoken=[:accesstoken]
    5. Paste this Access Token into your info values and you will be all set!

If you have already registered Kinetic Task with your Yammer network, or if you receive a message stating that the "Application Name is already in use", you can view your list of registered applications at: https://www.yammer.com/client_applications Click on your application details to get your client id and client secret.


Name Description
Group Name The name of the group that you want to create.
Private True if this is a private group and false if it will be public.

Sample Configuration

Name Description
Group Name Sample Group
Private true


This handler does not return any results.


Yammer Group Create V1 (2012-06-19)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

Yammer Group Create V2 (2013-09-06)

  • Changed authentication method as well as transitioned from using the Yammer

gem to using the REST Client gem.

Related Handlers

Yammer Message Post
This handler allows you to post a message to Yammer.
Yammer User Deactivate
This handler deactivates a member of your Yammer network.
Yammer User Delete
This handler removes a member of your Yammer network.
Yammer User Invite
This handler invites a user to your Yammer network.

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