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A collection of handlers useful for various things.

Utility Handlers

Name Generator
Generates a simple name like: frosty-tree-15.

Utility CSV To JSON
This handler converts a CSV string into a JSON string.

Utility CSV To XML
Converts a CSV string to an XML string

Utility Determine Next Occurrence
This handler determines the next occurence based on a provided start time and other recurrence information

Utility Json Parse
This handler parses a JSON string with a given path and returns the data found at the path

Utility JSON To CSV
This handler converts a JSON string into a CSV string.

Utility JSON To HTML
This handler converts a JSON string into a HTML table.

Utility JSON to Results
Converts JSON to XML result.

Utility JSON To XML
This handler converts a JSON string into an XML string.

Utility Random Password Generate
Generates a human readable random password - intended to be immediately changed once used.

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