Sample Database Delete Version 1

This handler leverages Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) technology to execute SQL queries against a database server. JDBC provides an abstract inferface for querying against different database systems. In order to configure a connection, a JDBC Driver must be made available, typically by including a .jar file somewhere on the classpath. In order to initializing the JDBC connection, a JDBC driver, or adapter class, associated to the connection must be pre-loaded. Once the JDBC adapter class is loaded, a simple connection string, which specifies the location of the server, name of the database to connect to and a list of parameters can be used to initialize a connection.

Practically, this means that a JDBC .jar file specific to the target database server will need to be added to the Kinetic Task web application WEB-INF/lib directory. Additionally, the adapter class and connection string info values will need to be configured specific to the JDBC adapter that is being used to connect. Below are some example configurations for commonly used JDBC adapters.

DB2 Adapter Class: Connection String: jdbc:db2://[SERVER][:PORT]/[DATABASE]

Microsoft SQL Server Adapter Class: Connection String: jdbc:sqlserver://[SERVER][:PORT];databaseName=[DATABASE]

Oracle Adapter Class: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver Connection String: jdbc:oracle:thin:@//[SERVER][:PORT]/[SERVICENAME]

MySQL Adapter Class: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver Connection String: jdbc:mysql://[SERVER][:PORT]/[DATABASE]

Once you have JDBC configured, you will also need to configure the handler to execute your specific query. In the node.xml file, insert your query in the node, using curly braces for the parameters that you wish to be dynamic. Below is an example of a query were the username and password will be dynamic values.


Any value that you used inside of the curly braces will now need to be added as a parameter. The parameter id must be the same as the value in the curly braces.

Once all this is configured, the handler will now be able to delete a value for you from your desired database! An error will be thrown if your query returns more than one result.

Testing the Handler

NOTE: Testing this handler requires the Kinetic Task 3.0 testing harness.

In order to test this handler, the JDBC .jar file must be made available to the java virtual machine. In order to do this, java must be called directly (rather than executing the kinetic task jar file using java -jar kinetic-task.jar ...). See below for a sample execution (which assumes that the current working directory is the root of the handler):

java -classpath [PATH]\kinetic-task.jar;[PATH][JDBCJARFILE].jar com.kineticdata.task.Main -test-handler=.

The simple test case shows the configuration for executing this handler against a Kinetic Matrix instance, which uses an Oracle database. Included in the test directory is a lib/ojdbc6.jar file, which is a JDBC jar file for Oracle (which requires Java 6 or higher). If the test harness is being run from Java 6 and connecting to a Matrix instance, the following command line can be used to execute the test process:

java -classpath [PATH]\kinetic-task.jar;test\lib\ojdbc6.jar com.kineticdata.task.Main -test-handler=.


Name Description
Id Will replace {username} value in the query supplied in the config.

Sample Configuration

Name Description
Id 13


This handler does not return any results.


SampleJDBCDelete_V1 (2013-10-03)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

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