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Cloud based applications for sales, service, marketing, and more. A user-friendly UI allows for non-technical users to manage these services and tailor them for their own specific needs.

Salesforce Handlers

Salesforce Account Create
Creates a Salesforce Account record with the given parameters and returns the Account Id of the created Account record.

Salesforce Account Retrieve
Retrieves a Salesforce Account record with the given Account Id.

Salesforce Case Create
Creates a Salesforce Account Case record with the given parameters and returns the Case Id of the created record. The parameters are mapped directly to their respective fields.

Salesforce Contact Create
Creates a Salesforce Contact record with the given parameters and returns the Contact Id of the created Contact record.

Salesforce Contact Retrieve
Retrieves a Salesforce Contact record with the given Contact Id.

Salesforce Contact Update
Updates a Salesforce Contact record with the given parameters and returns the Contact Id of the updated Contact record.

Salesforce Object Create
Generically creates a Salesforce object given a type and a JSON body.

Salesforce Object Delete
Generically deletes a Salesforce object given a type and an id.

Salesforce Object Retrieve
Generically retrieves a Salesforce object given a type and an id.

Salesforce Object Update
Generically updates a Salesforce object with a given type, id, and JSON body.

Salesforce Opportunity Create
Creates a Salesforce Opportunity record with the given parameters and returns the id of the new Opportunity record.

Salesforce Opportunity Retrieve
Retrieves a Salesforce Opportunity record with the given parameters.

Salesforce Opportunity Update
Updates a Salesforce Opportunity record with the given parameters.

Salesforce Task Create
Create a new task in Salesforce.

Salesforce User Disable
Disables a user account in Salesforce.

Salesforce User Retrieve
Retrieves a Salesforce User record with the given Username.

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