Rackspace Server Delete Version 1

This handler deletes a server from the Rackspace Cloud. After creating the Rackspace service, the gem searches for the Server that has the same id as the id that was inputted as a paramter. Once that object is found, the destroy method is called and the name and id of the destroyed server are returned.

Note: To find the Rackspace API Key, go to Account Settings and click 'show' next to the API Key label under Login Details.


Name Description
Server Id The id of the server that you wish to delete.

Sample Configuration

Name Description
Server Id 5227ee55-eb94-4b93-8bf9-ce175960e57f


Name Description
Server Id
Server Name


RackspaceServerDelete_V1 (2013-11-15)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

Related Handlers

Rackspace Server Create
Create a new server in the Rackspace Cloud.
Rackspace Volume Create
Create a new volume in the Rackspace Cloud.

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