MSProject Lookup Entry Version 1

This handler makes a REST call to the Microsoft Project REST API to lookup a GUID corresponding to a Lookup Table and a Lookup Entry Value. After authenticating against the Project Server using the inputted username and password, the handler makes a call to Project to get the id that corresponds to the lookup table name. A second call is then made to the specific lookup table to get the id for the lookup entry. The id for that entry is then returned. Any errors that occur during this process will be caught and re-raised by the handler.


Name Description
Lookup Table The name of the table where the entry is located.
Lookup Entry The name of the entry that you want to look up.

Sample Configuration

Name Description
Lookup Table Internal Priority
Lookup Entry Very High


Name Description
Entry Id


MSProjectLookupEntry_V1 (2015-06-25)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

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