Azure VM Retrieve Version 1


Name Description
Subscription ID The Azure Subscription ID.
VM Deployment The Name of the Virtual Machine Deployment.
VM Name The Name of the Virtual Machine.
Cloud Service Name The Name of the Virtual Machine.

Sample Configuration

Name Description
Subscription ID
VM Deployment
VM Name
Cloud Service Name


Name Description


azurevmretrieve_v1 (2016-06-20)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

Related Handlers

Azure Cloud Service Create
This handler creates a new cloud service.
Azure Operation Status
This handler checks to see the status of an operation given the request id.
Azure VM Create
This handler creates a new issue in a Jira project.
Azure VM Delete
This handler deletes down an Azure VM.
Azure VM Restart
This handler creates a new issue in a Jira project.
Azure VM Shutdown
This handler creates a new issue in a Jira project.
Azure VM Start
This handler creates a new issue in a Jira project.

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