LinkedIn Profile Share Version 1

This handler allows you to post a comment and content to your LinkedIn Profile. This handler uses the api/secret key and oauth user token/secret to authorize the users account so that information can be posted to their account. To get these values, you will need to create an application on LinkedIn under the account you wish to post information to, because these tokens are just valid for that specific account. Any errors that occur during the posting process will be caught and re-raised by this handler.

How to create LinkedIn application

To fill in the necessary info values for this handler (api/secret key & oauth user token/secret) you will need to create an application on the LinkedIn developer page.

1. Go to the LinkedIn Developers page 
                2. Log in with the account you wish to post to LinkedIn with 
                3. Under the 'Support' tab, click on 'API Keys' 
                4. Click on 'Add New Application' 
                5. Fill in the necessary information 
                    - Under 'OAuth User Agreement' choose r_basicprofile, rw_nus, and possibly rw_company_admin (if you will also be using this account to update a company page as well) 
                6. Agree to the terms and conditions and create the application 
                7. Navigate back to the List of Applications and select the application that you just created 
                8. The keys you will need are found under the 'OAuth Keys' header 


Name Description
Comment The users update comment that either stands alone or goes along with the accompanying content.
Title The title of the update's content.
Description The description of the update's content.
Submitted Url The url of the update's content.
Submitted Image Url The image url of the update's content.
Visibility The visibility of this updates content (choose from anyone or connections-only).

Sample Configuration

Name Description
Comment This is a test status
Title Sample Website
Description This is what is important about the Site
Submitted Url
Submitted Image Url
Visibility anyone


This handler does not return any results.


LinkedInProfileShare_V1 (2013-08-13)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

Related Handlers

LinkedIn Company Share
This handler allows you to post a comment and content to your LinkedIn Company Page.
LinkedIn Connections Retrieve
This handler returns a list of the people who are connected to the authenticated LinkedIn account.

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