Github User Add To Org Version 1

This handler creates a github repository for an organization.


Name Description
role Role of user within organization- member or admin
add new user GitHub user name of person you wish to add to your organization

Sample Configuration

Name Description
add new user


This handler does not return any results.


GithubRepoCreateOrganizaitonV1 (02-29-2016)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

Related Handlers

Github Organization Repo Create
This handler allows you to create a repository to a organization you have access to on Github.
Github Personal Repo Create
This handler allows you to post a repository to your own Github.
GitHub Team Create
Create a new team within an existing organization on GitHub.
GitHub Team Delete
Delete a team beloging to an organization on GitHub.
GitHub Team Member Add
Add new members to existing team on GitHub.
GitHub Team Member Remove
Remove members from existing team on GitHub
GitHub Team Repository Add
Give a team access to an organization's repositories on GitHub.
GitHub Team Repository Remove
Remove access of repositories for a team on GitHub.

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