Elasticsearch Document Get Version 1

This handler returns an Elasticsearch document.


Name Description
Error Handling Determine what to return if an error is encountered.
Index The index to the document belongs to.
Type The document type.
ID The document ID to retrieve.
Include source fields (CSV) The list of source fields to return. Leave empty to return all fields.
Exclude source fields (CSV) The list of source fields not to return. Leave empty to return all fields.

Sample Configuration

Name Description
Error Handling
Include source fields (CSV)
Exclude source fields (CSV)


Name Description
Handler Error Message


Elasticsearch Document Get (2017-08-11)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

Related Handlers

Elasticsearch Document Bulk API
Creates, updates, or deltes documents in Elasticsearch in bulk.
Elasticsearch Document Create
Creates a document in Elasticsearch for specified index / type.

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