Dropbox File Share Url Version 1

This handler uses the Dropbox Ruby SDK to get a share url for a file on Dropbox. Before using any Dropbox handler for the first time, you will need to obtain an access key to connect to the account (Instructions for that can be found below). After doing that, the handler will connect to that account and then get the file's share url and return it. The Dropbox File Location determines what file's share url will be returned. To get a field in a folder, you just need to follow the form of Folder/file.txt.

How to retrieve the Dropbox Access Token

1. Create an app in the Dropbox App Console (if you already have an app, you can skip to step #5) 
                2. First, go to the Dropbox Developers page and go to the App Console 
                3. Click the 'Create app' button and choose the following options 
                    - Dropbox API app 
                    - File and datastores 
                    - No - My app needs access to files already on Dropbox 
                    - All file types - My app needs access to a user's full Dropbox. Only supported via the Core API. 
                    - Input an App Name 
                4. Click in to see the details of the app you just created and add 'http://localhost' to the OAuth redirect URIs 
                5. To easily retrieve the access token, unzip the handler file and navigate to the resources folder (handler -> resources) and open retrieveAccessToken.html 
                6. Follow the instructions on that page to generate your access token. Insert it into your info values and you are now properly authenticated with Dropbox! 


Name Description
Dropbox File Location The location and name of the file that you want to get a share url for.

Sample Configuration

Name Description
Dropbox File Location Folder/test_file.txt


Name Description
Share Url


dropboxfileshareurlv1 (2013-11-12)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

Related Handlers

Dropbox File Delete
This handler deletes a file from Dropbox.
Dropbox File Move
This handler moves a file from one location to another in Dropbox.
Dropbox File Upload
This handler uploads a file to Dropbox.
Dropbox Folder Create
This handler creates a folder on Dropbox.

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