This handler allows you to retrieve an existing meeting for Citrix. It uses the Citrix REST API to complete this action.
The user oauth token
Name | Description |
Meeting Id | Unqiue Id of the meeting |
Name | Description |
Meeting Id | 123456 |
Name | Description |
createTime | When this meeting was created |
passwordRequired | whether there is a password required for this meeting |
status | whether the meeting is active or not |
subject | The subject of this meeting |
endTime | Scheduled end time of this meeting |
conferenceCallInfo | Info including phone numbers and access code |
startTime | Scheduled start time for this meeeting |
duration | Time duration of the meeting |
maxParticipants | How many participants are allowed in the meeting |
meetingId | Id value of the meeting |
meetingKey | Key value of the meeting |
meetingType | Type of meeting immediate, scheduled, or recurring |
uniqueMeetingId | Id unique to this meeting if recurring |
citrixmeetingretrieve_v1 (2013-08-06)
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