Basecamp Project TodoList Todo Create Version 1

This handler will create a new todo task for a todo list within a project in Basecamp. Exceptions will be raised if the date is not formatted correctly, if there is not exactly one project with the given name, or if there is not exactly one todo list with the given name.

Getting Your User Id Number

1. In a browser, login to your account. here : 
                2. In the url, your user id comes right after the host name. ex. 


Name Description
Current Project Name The name of the project the todo list belongs to.
Todo List Name The name of the todo list you wish to add a task to.
Content Message describing the task.
Due At The date the task is due (yyyy-mm-dd).

Sample Configuration

Name Description
Content Create poster for presentation.
Due At 2013-07-23
Current Project Name
Todo List Name


This handler does not return any results.


basecampprojecttodolisttodocreate_v1 (2013-06-20)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

Related Handlers

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Basecamp Calendar Delete
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Basecamp Calendar Update
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Activates an archived project in Basecamp.
Basecamp Project Create
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Basecamp Project Delete
Delete an active project in Basecamp.
Basecamp Project Event Create
Create an event within a project for Basecamp.
Basecamp Project TodoList Create
Create a new todolist for a project in basecamp.
Basecamp Project TodoList Delete
Delete a todolist from a project in Basecamp.
Basecamp Project Update
Update an existing project in basecamp.
Basecamp Project User Invite
Invite a user to existing project in Basecamp.
Basecamp Project User Remove
Remove users from a project in Basecamp.

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