AWS Cloud Formation Estimate Template Cost Version 1

This handler uses the AWS REST API to estimate the cost of an AWS cloud formation template. For more information see the AWS Amazon Virtual Private Cloud User Guide online.


Name Description
Template URL Enter a Template Body OR a Template URL.
Template Parameters Template Parameters

Sample Configuration

Name Description
Template URL
Template Parameters {"KeyName":"KineticDemoAWSWest","MultiAZDatabase":"true","SSHLocation":"","WebServerCapacity":"2","DBAllocatedStorage":"5","DBInstanceClass":"db.m1.large","DBName":"myDatabase","DBPassword":"KineticDemo123","DBUser":"kineticdemo","InstanceType":"t2.small"}


Name Description
URL The URL of the cloudFormation estimate template cost.


AWS Cloud Formation Estimate Template Cost V1 (2017-08-30)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

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